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تحميل كتاب الانجليزي للصف الاول الثانوي اليمن 2024 pdf

انضم الى قناة المنهج اليمني على التلجرام
  • محتويات ودروس كتاب الانجليزي الصف الاول الثانوي اليمن
  • Unit 1
  • What do you remember?
  • A street scene
  • Two games
  • Messages
  • Possibilities
  • Unit 2
  • Air travel
  • Airlines in the Arab World
  • What do they do?
  • Changing places
  • Ahmed flies to London - 1Y742
  • The early days
  • Hussein - TV reporter
  • Language review 1
  • Unit 3
  • Living abroad
  • A new home in Yemen
  • Household objects
  • Shopping in Exeter
  • Do you know ...?
  • A good neighbour
  • On the souk
  • On the local bakery
  • How to make falafel
  • Stuck in a rut
  • Hussein - diving for treasure
  • Language review 2
  • Unit 4
  • Newspaper
  • Headlines
  • Local News
  • What's on
  • Letters to the newspaper
  • Public opinion
  • Views from abroad - London
  • Hussein - success at last
  • Language review 3
  • Unit 5
  • Other countries, other customs
  • Travellers
  • An invitation
  • What can you do in Britain?
  • Tourist attractions
  • Morocco - two holidays
  • Around Yemen
  • Famous explorers
  • Language review 4
  • Unit 6
  • Staying, healthy
  • Take my advice!
  • A balanced diet
  • How fit are you?
  • Smoking: the facts
  • Germs and your health
  • A day in the life of a London doctor
  • The casualty unit
  • A nurse's training
  • Great names in medicine
  • Language review 5

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