نموذج اختبار استماع نهائي مادة الانجليزي للصف الرابع الابتدائي الفصل الدراسي الاول 1446 - 2024 - بصيغة pdf و word , اختبار نهائي استماع الانجليزي رابع ابتدائي الفصل الاول 1446.
Listen and choose
Ken is eating…… chips. cheese. chocolate.
Play. I play tennis. football. basketball.
does your father play golf? No, he can't. don't. doesn't.
What animal is it? It's a squid. It's a starfish. It's a jellyfish.
Listen and circle the right answer:
Ken is eating chips - cheese - chocolate
Play I play tennis - football - basketball Does your father play golf? No, he can't don't doesn't -