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كتاب الانجليزي دليل المعلم الصف السابع ليبيا 2025

انظم معنا في قناة المنهج الليبي في التليجرام
  • هل تريد تنزيل كتاب الانجليزي دليل المعلم للصف السابع الاساسي المنهج الليبي الجديد 2025 برابط تحميل مباشر ومجانا وبصيغة pdf.
  • محتوى الكتاب
  • Unit 1 Lesson 1: Holidays
  • Objectives
  • : Read and match to complete conversations. Listen to check details in
  • conversations. Perform conversations
  • Write a paragraph,
  • Use a questionnaire about activities in the holidays.
  • Language
  • : Past simple tense, questions and short answers.
  • Vocabulary: Holidays; spare-time activities
  • 21" Century Skills: Study Skills: Finding
  • factual information
  • Reference: Course Book pages 8 and 9, Workbook pages 4-5.
  • Ask the class to guess what else Faisal, Huda and Muna did on holiday. They should use ideas from the speech bubbles.
  • Ask the students to say which activities they have chosen and make a note of them on the board,
  • Note: We use on holiday to describe a break away from home, e.g., "I went to Tunisia on holiday. We use in the holidays to talk about a period of time off school or work, e.g., "I always stay with my grandparents in the holidays."
  • B1 Now listen and check. Then practise different conversations. 3 mins
  • Explain to the class that they are going to hear the two conversations completed, so that they can check if their guesses were right. The students should make a note of the other things. that Faisal, Huda and Mana did. Play 1.
  • Deal with each conversation separately.
  • Warm up min
  • Greet the class and ask the students if they had a good holiday. Say what you did in the holidays and then ask the class what they did. If necessary, ask questions such as: Did you stay at home? Did you go away? Did you go swimming? Did you visit friends! Did you go camping?
  • A Read and choose. What do you think Faisal, Muna and Huda did in the summer holidays?
  • Rasha Munar
  • Ask the students to open their Course Books and to say what the pages are about. Elicit the names. of the five people shown. Then ask them to read aloud what is in the speech bubbles, saying what other people did in the holidays. Ask the students to look at the two dialogues
  • And I went fishing. It was great!
  • Did you go away in the holidays? No, Muna and I stayed at home. What did you do all the time?
  • Oh, lots of things. I saw my friends every day. And I made clothes.
  • And what did you do, Muna? Not very much. I got up late every day. And I read lots of books. Oh, and I learned to cook.
  • and underline any words they do not know. Explain that a village is a very small town and that by in by the sea means next to, Organize the students into pairs to read the two
  • C Talk about what you did in the holidays. A
  • Invite students to ask each other about their own holidays. Don't spend too long on this at this stage, though, as the Workbook activities will extend this.
  • D Now do Exercises A to D on pages 4 and 5 of the Workbook. mine
  • Direct the students to pages 4-5 of their Workbooks.
  • WB A Read and answer the questions.
  • Then ask your partner. Tick for yes (✔), cross for no (X).
  • Explain the activity. Ask the students to read the questionnaire silently and put a tick or in the boxes next to each activity in the column You. Cio round the class and help any student who is having difficulty.
  • Practise the questions to help the students with pronunciation. Explain that Yes/No questions rise at the end. Ask the students to work in pairs to complete the column of boxes about their partner, by asking and answering questions.
  • WB B Did you or your partner do anything else? Make notes.
  • Tell the students to think of anything else they did in the holidays, and to write it after You.
  • Organize the class to work in pairs, asking and answering the question: Did you do anything else in the holidays? They should write the answers after Your partner. Go round the class supplying any new vocabulary needed.
  • WB C Use the past simple to complete the sentences.

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  1. شكرا على الخدمة المهمة و الضرورية لنا كمعلمين لغة انجليزية للمنهج الليبي لمساعدتنا في توصيل المعلومة لطلابنا لكم كل الشكر والامتنان

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