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اختبار نهائي انجليزي اول ثانوي مسارات الفصل الثاني 1446 مع الحل

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نموذج اختبار نهائي مادة الانجليزي للصف الاول الثانوي مسارات الفصل الدراسي الثاني 1446 pdf وورد , اختبار نهائي انجليزي mega goal اول ثانوي مسارات الفصل الثاني .

بنك اسئلة نهائية انجليزي اول ثانوي مسارات الفصل الثاني ف2 .
اختبار نهائي الانجليزي السنة الاول المشتركة الترم الثاني .
اختبار انجليزي نهائي صف اول ثانوي مسارات الفصل الثاني محلول 1446.

(% mark each)

  1. Choose the correct alternative
    1) He bought (myself himself herself yourself) a new tablet.
    2) I should (start starts started starting) a sport and exercise to be slim.
    3) Ali apologizes (for take to take to taking - for taking) my book.
    4) If Jinan had more money, she (would buy buying bought buy) a new dress.
    5) How (any some much many) cell phones have you bought?
    6) My father (used used to is used to used) read printed newspaper.
    7) I guess, (there is there are is there there some) a cat on the porch.
    8) Ali: I am happy. Badr: (Neither do I So I am So am I So I do)
  2. Do as shown in parentheses.
    1) Abdullah doesn't drive
    (Use an adverb form)
    2) I don't have much time. I wish I more time. (Complete the wish)
    3) I always throw away the trash] before I go to bed. (Rewrite with a pronoun object)
    I always before I go to bed.
  3. Tick() the correct sentence form
    II went to the doctor because I was sick.
    I went to the doctor so I was sick.

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